Es-tu une erreur?

Cela m’a pris plus d’un mois pour me décider à écrire cet article. Je voulais être certaine de ce que j’allais dire et ne pas heurter certaines personnes par mes propos. J’ai lu quelque part sur Facebook la publication d’une personne qui prodiguait des conseils pour la drépanocytose. Les conseils étaient judicieux mais la fin … Lire la suite de Es-tu une erreur?

2019 times excited


“Time fly” this is one thing we usually hear and we think we understand, i mean we do understand the first meaning which is time goes fast. But It says a lot more than that. When you’re realizing that you’re old with several grand children, you’ll understand that time does fly. While growing we’ve seen years changes. After 365 days you’re going into a new year. People always get excited by this change, this new year. They always welcoming the year with joy, excitement, motivation, gratitude.

This is something we all want, that mean, we’re still alive, we have plenty time ahead to do what we want to do, we are able to spend more time with friends and family. So, a new year it’s after all a new year. New projects, new perspectives, new goal, and new person (lol) I mean new resolution about self.

Most people consider the…

Voir l’article original 572 mots de plus

Attitude is everything!!!

My Journey with Sickle Cell Disease...

We are all faced with issues in life. We all are going to go through obstacles in life, the only thing that will matter at the end of the day is your attitude towards said issues and obstacles.

I’m not saying that you will lose someone and you’re supposed to be all smiles, nor am I saying that you’re supposed to just stand there and watch someone throw a brick at your car window. What I’m saying is deeper than that.

So I’ve decided to take a leap and move back to Haiti, because whenever I think about growing up there, I don’t ever recall being sick, or having a crisis where I had to be hospitalized. My heart always smiles when I’m in Haïti and I always feel better. There is the healthcare issue in Haiti, so normally the people who love me don’t always think it’s a good…

Voir l’article original 151 mots de plus

Side effects of Sickle Cell…

My Journey with Sickle Cell Disease...

I start a new job today and I’m supposed to be happy, a little nervous, all the normal emotions that come with that particular occasion.

For me however, I’m stressed beyond anything I can think of. I barely slept last night and I’m having jitters this morning at the office. I’m not stressed because I’m worried the job will be too hard or I’m not going to grasp the concept of my job, I’m stressing because I’m afraid.

I’m afraid that Sickle Cell is going to act up, I’m afraid I’m going to start feeling pain, a bunch of stuff are running through my mind right now and it’s unfair to me. I’m trying to get off that energy but it’s quite challenging.

My Warriors know what I’m talking about, but for those who don’t know, this particular situation should want to encourage you to keep spreading awareness, keep pushing…

Voir l’article original 92 mots de plus

Cher Alcool, j’vous ai à l’œil…

En tant que Drépanocytaire homozygote, je ne m’étais jamais posée la question si c’était bien ou pas de consommer de l’alcool. Il fut même un temps où j’en consommais franchement. Ben, souvent par nécessite car j’avais des règles insupportables, bien que cette période mensuelle provoque toujours autant de crises mais elles étaient plus douloureuses pendant … Lire la suite de Cher Alcool, j’vous ai à l’œil…